Medicine for the Earth/ Healing with Spiritual Light
Medicine for the Earth/Healing with Spiritual Light Training Via Zoom -
Virtual Workshops Offered by Brittany Shirley will be announced soon.
In Medicine for the Earth (MFTE) training we learn to transmute toxins for personal and planetary healing with a formula for creating miracles: Intention + Love + Union+ Harmony + Concentration + Focus + Imagination = Creation. Experience your own divinity. Learn how embodying your sacred self purifies and brings balance and wholeness to our bodies and Mother Earth. Applying the MFTE principles in working with people is called Healing with Spiritual Light.
Working with Sandra Ingerman’s book: Medicine for the Earth, students complete the work through: attending an Eight 3-Hour Sessions Workshop via Zoom (NOTE: the Medicine for the Earth book must be read fully before participating in the workshop). MFTE Training Workshops can be organized for groups or as individual training sessions with specified time commitments.
Medicine for the Earth (MFTE)
(When offered by Shelley)
Eight Sunday 3-Hour Virtual Sessions Workshop
(intermediate level)
- Open to women and men who have completed Awakening to the Spirit World Class or have prior shamanic journey training
- Working with Medicine for the Earth book, students complete the personal healing and growth work needed to prepare to participate in MFTE Healing Circles (see below)
- Eight Weekly Sunday 3-hr Virtual Sessions Workshop Cost: $600 (includes optional 1 hour mid-week homework sessions)
- Location: Via Zoom
- Dates: Scheduled upon request.
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for full description of workshop and registration materials - See also description under Shamanic Training
Medicine for the Earth Full Moon Healing Circle via Zoom
Individuals who have completed study of Medicine for the Earth, are invited to join our monthly Medicine for the Earth Full Moon Healing Circle to celebrate their graduation and to join the ongoing circle. The monthly Full Moon Medicine for the Earth Healing Circle meets on the Saturday closest to the Full Moon. Members of the Circle come together to transfigure into our Divine Light and transmute energies for the healing of individuals and the planet. Our Circle energetically connects to Medicine for the Earth and other Healing with Light Circles around the Earth to support and amplify this important healing work. Participating in the Medicine for the Earth Full Moon Circle is a way for those called to this path to be in service in offering healing energy to Mother Earth and all Life. For more information, go to Drumming and Journey Circles.
MFTE Class Teacher/Assistant and MFTE Circle Leaders:
- Shelley Stump, Teacher of Ancient Wisdom, Shamanic Healer, SHES Ordained Minister, Spiritual Healer and Earth Steward
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Star Weitman, Shamanic Apprentice, Virtual MFTE Teaching Assistant, Gemstone Healer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Sharon Francis, Shamanic Apprentice, Teaching Assistant for In-Person Trainings (SHES Spiritual Healer, Earth Steward)
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