Community Collaboration
Principles of community collaboration apply to community outreach activities of all governmental and non-profit organizations that are seeking to improve public trust and confidence in and support for their operations. As the primary author of Dialogue: Courts Reaching Out To Their Communities – A Handbook for Court and Community Collaboration, Ms. Stump has completed nationally recognized justice system research and presents practical “how to” training about court and community collaboration.
Ms. Stump offers a leading edge two-day course that orients justice system personnel and others in government and non-profit service to basic community collaboration concepts including elements of effective collaboration, the importance of broad community participation, ethical constraints, and the importance of continuing innovation in a changing environment.
Ingredient for Success: Building Collaborative Relationships with the People You Serve
Orientation to basic community collaboration concepts including elements of effective collaboration, the importance of broad community participation, ethical constraints, and the importance of a continuing innovation in a changing environment.
Improved public trust and confidence in and support for the the operations of governmental and nonprofit organizations.